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励志美文:面临压力 改变本身是最好的步伐

励志文章 Helen 3个月前 (01-16) 17次浏览 0个评论 举报/投诉

  A caveman out on a hunt or a soldier on the front line needs the stress
response in his body to have the energy to fight; the anticipation of the
life-or-death experience puts his whole body into a state of red alert. Stress
enables us to meet challenges, to push ourselves through heightening our
awareness and focusing concentration.


  But the stress most of us have is not from life-or-death situations, but
arises from an accumulation of much smaller issues. If our response becomes
increasingly stressful then the body will put out the red alert. We may feel
like a steam cooker coming to full pressure, but we are the only one who can
turn down the heat. Unfortunately we usually feel powerless to do so.


  We may have little or no control over the circumstances or stressors we are
dealing with, but we do have control over our response. No matter where we go or
what we do, the change that’s the most effective is the one within


  If we believe we cannot cope, then we’ll begin to lose ground; if we
believe we can cope, then we’ll be able to ride over any obstacles.


  It’s a change within our perception of our capabilities that will make the
biggest difference. In turn, this will help develop the relaxation response and
begin to normalize everything the stress response has put out of balance.


  Luckily, we can transform our beliefs and our perceptions. The ability to
keep our peace and maintain an even-balanced state is one of the greatest gifts
that we can give ourselves.


  It is like a warrior. The greatest warrior in history is the one who is
calm—if he freaked out, then he would easily lose the battle. In the same way,
when our mind is stressed and tense, then we think everyone is attacking us or
taking advantage of us, and we can’t see anyone or anything objectively or


  ”Meditation really helps us not to panic or freak out; it brings us back to
this calm ground, where we can see ourselves clearly.”


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