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【#二年级# 导语】做英语习题可能在多数人眼中认为是一种附加的负担,语言的学习嘛,做题感觉很奇怪,可是中国的大环境仍然是考试,这种政策是一时半会儿都将存在的,所以有必要做题来面对这些考试。以下是©整理的《小学二年级英语单元知识点及练习题》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  in在里面 on在上面 under在下面 bell铃
  star星星 present礼物 tree树 kite风筝
  Merry Christmas圣诞快乐 room房间 star星星
  here这里 find寻找
  up向上 down向下 high高的 floor地板 uncle舅舅
  aunt阿姨 grandmother祖母 grandfather祖父
  happy快乐 birthday生日 new新的 year年 fold折叠
  Santa Claus圣诞老人 Christmas Eve圣诞夜 chimney烟囱


  1.Merry Christmas and happy New Year! 圣诞和新年快乐!
  2.Put the ruler and pencil on the book. 把尺和铅笔放在书上。
  Put the rubber and pen in the bag. 把橡皮和钢笔放进书包。
  3.Put the pen under the bag. 把钢笔放在书包下。
  Put the pencil under th book. 把铅笔放在书下。
  4.Put the star on your new dress. 把星星放在你的新连衣裙下。
  Put the dress in your room. 把连衣裙放进你的房间。
  5.Put the shoes in the bag. 把鞋子放进书包里。
  Put the bag on the floor. 把书包放在地板上。
  6.Put the card on the tree. 把卡片放在书上。
  Put the doll under the tree. 把娃娃放在树下。
  7.Put the present on the bicycle. 把礼物放在自行车上。


  1. 兄弟 b_ _ther
  2. 家庭 f_ m_ly
  3. 姐妹 s_s_er
  4. 父亲 _ _ther
  5. 母亲 _ _ther
  1. A.grandma B.grandpa C.ice-cream
  2. A.one B.ten C.sister
  3. A.dad B.teacher C.mom
  4. A.boy B.girl C.student
  5. A.and B.elephant C.cat


  1. z __ o
  2. booksh__p
  3. __chool
  4. __upermarket
  5. p__k
  6. __ospital
  1. I’m going to the hospital.
  A. 我要去动物园。
  B. 我要去医院。
  C. 我要去公园。
  2. Where is Tom?
  A. 汤姆在哪里?
  B. 汤姆去外面了?
  C. 汤姆去医院了。
  1. 在动物园里
  A. at home
  B. at the zoo
  C. at school
  2. 在校外
  A. inside the school
  B. in the school
  C. outside the school


  1. Can you swim? _________
  A. Yes, I can skip. B Yes , I can. C. I can not swim.
  2. Look, there are three________in the zoo.
  A. zebra B. tiger C. lions
  3. The boy________curly hair. The girls_________big eyes.
  A.have has B.have have C. has have
  4. Can I________you? May I have four pies,please?
  A.have B. is C.help
  5. May I have________orange,please?
  A.an B.a C./
  6. How many________?
  A.pear B.a pear C.pears
  7. ________he? He is my brother.
  A.Whose B.Who C. Who is
  8. I have a toy. It________a robot.
  A.has B.are C.is
  9. What is that? ________
  A. It is a cat. B. I can see a cat. C. It is black.
  10. What colour is the peach? It is__________.
  A.orange B.pink C.black
  11. He can________.
  A.climb a tree B.fat C.seven
  12. How many pens?
  A.Three pens B. It is a pen


  Where are you from , Mr Mouse?
  Please show me your little house .
  Sorry sorry sorry Mrs Cat .
  I don’t want you to get fat .
  二、 选出下面单词的意思。
  1、( )boy A、男孩 B、爸爸
  2、( )girl A、女孩 B、妹妹
  3、( )rabbit A、兔子 B、老虎
  4、( )wolf A、狼 B、大象
  5、( )blue A、蓝色 B、跳舞
  6、( )white A、图片 B、白色
  7、( )yellow A、红色 B、黄色
  8、( )sing A、身体 B、唱歌
  9、( )dance A、涂颜色 B、跳舞
  10、( )mouth A、鼻子 B、嘴巴

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