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初中记叙文 几度温柔 3年前 (2020-08-07) 3次浏览 0个评论 举报/投诉


  Flower Survived

  Mrs Wang decided to make a trip to Beijing.When she told her son about her decision,he was so overjoyed that he jumped up.They began to pack their luggage.When the day came,the son became worried,for noboday would take care of his flowers.They would die if they were not watered.Suddenly a good idea came to his mind. Mum,he said to his mother, we can use a piece of cloth to take care of the flowers. He showed her mother what he meant by putting one end of the cloth into the basin, full of water,and the other end into the flower pot.

  Three days later,when they came back from Beijing, the flowers were still alive and even started to bloom.

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