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初中日记 几度温柔 3年前 (2020-09-15) 5次浏览 0个评论 举报/投诉



  My face is round, my mouth is small, and my nose is a little low. My mother always says that I have a flat nose. Although my eyes are not big, they are bright. It’s not tall in class, but it’s not short. I have a characteristic, that is, rich feelings, love to cry.


  I remember once, when my mother took me to the cinema, there was a very moving picture, and I couldn’t help falling into tears. Until I came home, thinking of the touching scene, I couldn’t help but shed tears.


  Another time, my mother and I were shopping when we saw a disabled boy, who walked with a shake, and pulled a two legged father with a flat car. I couldn’t help but shed tears again and gave him two yuan back.


  Sometimes, I write bad words, dad just said a few words, I cried.

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