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初中日记 几度温柔 3年前 (2020-08-05) 8次浏览 0个评论 举报/投诉



  Today, I started the environmental protection action of garbage sorting at home. My mother carried out garbage bin sorting at home. I was surprised and said, “Mom, what do you want so many garbage cans for?” my mother smiled and said, “have you forgotten. During the summer vacation, you have to do three “ones”, one of which is “garbage sorting”. I’m not preparing materials for you! “Oh, I forgot all about it. So I began to experience.


  There are four categories of garbage: recyclable garbage, kitchen garbage, harmful garbage and other garbage. Every ton of recycled paper can regenerate 850kg of good paper, which is equivalent to saving 300kg of wood! Wow, that’s good, then there will be no waste of resources. And our ordinary kitchen garbage can be turned into organic fertilizer after special treatment! There are so many benefits of garbage classification!

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