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儿童节祝福语 几度温柔 3年前 (2020-09-13) 5次浏览 0个评论 举报/投诉



  I am glad I was your teacher

  Though you troubled me through and through

  You split the chalk and broke the glass

  And I made you kneel down too

  But now that the year is almost gone

  And the holidays are near

  I am surprised most of all coz

  I can’t believe the end is here

  Next term you will be older

  Whether wiser- I am not sure

  Some other class teacher will face it all

  How well – I do not know.

  I remember all the fun we had

  I am sure you remember too

  All the pranks and the spanks

  But we managed to get through

  I can’t believe the end is here

  You will all be sorely missed

  And I hate to see you go





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