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The Fox Trapped in the Vineyard


Walking by the vineyard, a bear spotted the fox eating delicious grapes. “Fox! Fox!” called out the bear. “What's up?” carelessly replied the fox, as he was concentrating on eating grapes. “Can you give me some grapes? I am so hungry,” begged the bear.


There were a lot of grapes left in the vineyard. However, the fox did not want to share the grapes. “No! I will eat them all. I starved for three days to get at these grapes.”


The bear reluctantly walked away. The fox snorted at the bear. 'Hmm! Trying to eat grapes with just a word?'


The fox ate grapes until his stomach became swollen. 'I am too full. I cannot eat any more. I had better go home and take a nap.'


The fox put his head in the hole. But, what happened? His stomach is too bulky for him to get outside. “Yelp, yelp! Let's use all my strength.” The fox exerted all his power from his body, but it was no use.


The fox had no choice but to starve for three days. And, he could come out of the hole only after his stomach had gotten slim. “Oh, my! I'm so hungry.” The fox held his growling stomach and went back home. Watching this, the bear and other animals laughed at the greedy fox.


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