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The Lion and the Mouse Who Returned a Favor


One day, the lion was proudly rambling around the forest and got trapped in a hunter's net. “I can't believe this! I got caught in a trap that humans set!'” The lion was very scared because he thought the hunters would come any minute.


The lion regretted that he came out to search for food. 'I should have stayed home.' The lion recklessly cried out, “Help! Help me!”


However, other animals could not help the lion because they were afraid that the hunters would come at any moment. Then, the little mouse who was living outside the forest came running after hearing the lion cry.


“Mr. Lion, what happened?” “As you can see, I got caught in a trap that the hunters set. But, no one can help me,” cried the lion. “Mr. Lion, can I help you?”


“How can such a small creature like you help me?” The baby mouse began nibbling and nibbling. He did his best. Slowly, a few strings of the net broke off.


Finally, the lion was able to get out of the net. “Thank you, Little Mouse. How can I repay you?” “You forgave me last time,” replied the mouse. The big lion thanked the little baby mouse with all his heart.


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