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英文故事 十指绕心 2个月前 (04-06) 3次浏览 0个评论 举报/投诉

“Thank you. You have truly a kind heart. Take this net. When the boar appears, throw it at him right away.” The younger brother thanked the dwarf. He carried the net and walked into the forest looking for the boar.


“Roar!” When the boar saw the younger brother, it ran to him with great power. The younger brother threw the net that was on his shoulder, at the boar.


The boar that was running forward, got cut from the sharp net and his head split into two. The younger brother tied the boar onto his shoulders and headed for the castle.


Meanwhile, the older brother that went in the opposite direction found a drinking house in the forest. “Alright, I will have a drink here and work up my courage.” Just then, across from him, he saw his younger brother coming out carrying the boar. “My goodness, how did he.” The greedy brother was boiling with rage.


“Little brother, come on in over here. Since you have caught the boar, have a drink of wine and rest.” Without suspecting anything, the little brother drank the wine.


“Big brother! Let's go to the castle and share this happiness.” The little brother, being so tired, fell asleep after drinking the wine.


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