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小熊家有个New Baby的故事

小熊家有个New Baby的故事

Small Bear loves his little bed. Papa Bear made the bed for him when he was a baby. But one morning, Small Bear wakes up with pains in his legs. He is too big for his little bed now.


“Today, we shall go out into the woods and make you a bigger bed!” Papa takes up his ax and goes out the door. “But, Papa,” calls Small Bear. “What will happen to my little bed?”


“Don’t worry about that, Small Bear,” says Mama Bear. “We will have a new baby soon.”


Papa and Small Bear make a bigger bed. They carry it back home.


Small Bear can’t find his old bed. “Where is my little bed?” “Come and see.” calls Mama from the next room. It is true! There is his little bed. There is a baby sister in it. Now Small Bear is a big brother!


Small Bear looks at her. Baby sister pops him on the nose with a small hand.


That night Small Bear sleeps proudly in his bigger bed. “Aha!” he says. “It’s nice to have a little sister.”


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