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【#五年级# 导语】英语学习过程是一种观察,模拟,认识,识记,思考,记忆等综合的心理活动过程。建议从学单词开始就听写背单词(从简单到复杂),建立起人对英语单词声音形象的条件反射能力。以下是©为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。



  1. 常见动词:






  2. 常见名词:


  kung fu功夫;武术


  3. 短语:

  sing English songs唱英文歌曲

  play the pi pa弹琵琶

  do kung fu练武术

  draw cartoons画漫画

  play basketball打篮球

  play ping-pong打乒乓球

  speak English说英语


  1. 常见动词: learn学;学习;学会want要;想要send邮寄;发送

  2. 常见名词: party聚会;派对problem问题email电子邮件

  3. 其他: we’ll = we willnext下一个的;紧接着的;接下来的wonderful极好的;了不起的any任何的,任一的at(后面接邮件地址)

  4.短语: no problem没问题


  1. We’ll have an English party next Tuesday!我们下星期二有一个英语联欢会!

  解读:这是一般将来时的句子, we’ll = we will, will表示将来,后加动词原形。

  2. What can you do for the party, children?孩子们,你们能为联欢会做什么?


  举一反三: What can he do?他会做什么?

  What can she do?她会做什么?

  What can they do?他们会做什么?

  3. I can sing English songs.我会唱英文歌。

  解读:此句型常用来表示某人具备某种能力, can意思是“能;会”,后加动词原形。

  举一反三: He can draw cartoons.他会画漫画。

  She can dance.她会跳舞。

  We can play football.我们会踢足球。

  They can speak Chinese.他们会说汉语。

  4. — Can you do any kung fu, John?约翰,你会练武术吗?

   — Yes, I can.是的,我会练武术。



  1. Let’s play together!我们一起玩吧!

  解读:这是一个祈使句, let’s = let us意思是“让我们”,后加动词原形。

  2. I have an English class at 3 o’clock.我三点有一节英语课。

  举一反三: have a maths class上数学课

  have an art class上美术课

  have a Chinese class上语文课

  3. How about you, John?你呢,约翰?


  举一反三: What about you?你呢?

  4. Cool!酷!


  举一反三: Nice.不错。





  (  ) 1. I can’t do ________ kung fu.  

  A. some B. a C. any

  (  ) 2. —Can you dance? —Sorry, I ________.

  A. can  B. am   C. can’t

  (  ) 3. —________ can clean the blackboard? —I can.

  A. Who   B. What  C. How

  (  ) 4. Can you play ________ with me?

  A. a basketball  B. the football  C. ping-pong

  (  ) 5. I can play ________ pipa.  

  A. the  B. /  C. a

  (  ) 6. I can sing, but I ________dance.  

  A. can  B. don’t  C. can’t

  (  ) 7. Who can ________ my new friend?

  A. be   B. is   C. are

  (  ) 8. What can ________ do for the party?  

  A. our   B. us   C. we

  (  ) 9. What ________ you often do on weekends?  

  A. does B. do  C. are

  (  ) 10. ——Can you speak English?

  ——________ I can speak Chinese, too.

  A. Yes, I can.  B. No, I can’t.  C. Yes, I do.


  (  ) 1. Do you want a new friend?      A. I can wash my clothes.
  (  ) 2. What can you do, John?        B. Yes, I can.
  (  ) 3. What can your father do?       C. Linda.
  (  ) 4. Who can do kung fu?        D. Yes, I do.
  (  ) 5. Can you swim?           E. He can draw.


  一、 阅读短文, 选择正确的答案。

  My name is Lily. I’m a twelve-year-old girl. I’m helpful at home. I can do some housework. I can water the flowers and wash the clothes. I can clean the room with my father, too. My sister is seven years old. She can play ping-pong, but she can’t swim. We often play ping-pong on weekends. What about my mother? She can cook very well.

  (  ) 1. How old is Lily?

  A. She is twelve.    B. She is seven.    C. She is eight.

  (  ) 2. What can Lily do at home?

  A. She can water the flowers.  B. She can wash the clothes.  C. Both A and B.

  (  ) 3. Can Lily’s sister swim?

  A. Yes, she can.   B. No, she can’t.  C. We don’t know.

  (  ) 4. Who can cook very well?

  A. Lily’s father.   B. Lily’s mother.  C. Lily’s sister.

  (  ) 5. How many people are there in Lily’s family?

  A. Three.   B. Four.  C. Five.


  1. father my can cartoons draw (. )


  2. do can the what you party for (?)


  3. you can the pipa play (?)


  4. speak I can English Chinese and (. )


  5. brother your ping-pong play can (?)




  (  )1. —Can Lily wash her clothes?  —________

  (  )2. —________ —Wonderful!I love parties.

  (  )3. —________ —Yes,I can.

  (  )4. —I can’t speak Chinese.   —________

  (  )5. —________  —Amy can play the piano.

  A. Can you clean the teacher’s desk?

  B. We’ll have a party next Friday.

  C. Who can play the piano?

  D. Yes, she can.

  E. No problem. I can help you.  


  This is a picture of my school. It’s big and beautiful. A nice house is in the picture. There is a big park near the house. Many flowers and trees are in it. The flowers are colourful. We often play games in it after class. Many boys and girls play on the playground after school. The boys like playing football. The girls like playing ping-pong. Sometimes, they read books. They are hard-working. We all like our school very much.

  (  ) 1. There is a ________ near the house.

  A. garden  B. classroom  C. park

  (  ) 2. We often ________ in the park.

  A. play football   B. play games   C. read books

  (  ) 3. The word “colourful” means________.

  A. 美丽的   B. 颜色   C. 多彩的

  (  ) 4. The girls like ________.

  A. playing basketball   B. dancing   C. playing ping-pong

  (  ) 5. The students are ________ at school.

  A. polite    B. not helpful   C. hard-working



  1.做饭_________    2.浇花__________

  3.扫地__________    4.打扫卧室_______

  5.铺床__________    6.摆餐具__________

  7.洗衣服___________  8.洗碗碟__________

  9.使用计算机________  10.不能__________


  1.empty the trash________

  2.do housework_______  

  3.put away the clothes__________


  (  )1.helpful(  )    2.at home

  (  )3.ill (  )      4.wash the windows

  (  )5.just do it (  )   6.have a try

  (  )7.robot (  )     8.play chess

  (  )9.I’d like to

  A.下棋 B.擦窗户 C.在家  D.试一试  E.就这么干吧

  F.机器人 G.有用的  H.有病的  I.我想要


  (  )1.Can you use a computer?Yes,I can.

  (  )2.What can you do?

  (  )3.I can cook the meals.

  (  )4.I can sweep the floor.

  (  )5.Can you make the bed?No,I can’t.

  (  )6.I can water the flowers!







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